Saturday 16th March 2013 2:00pm – SRAM HQ, Clay Cross
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting – See a copy
3. Chairman’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Sponsorship
6. Election of Committee
7. Proposals
Split races
Received from Paul Shaw – South Pennine RC
I wish to put forward the proposal that the Juniors, veteran 50+ category, and the Ladies catagory, be incorporated into a wholly separate event from the main race – in order to reduce the field sizes so to enable all riders in both events to compete on a more even basis, with less hinderance from riders not racing in the same category. Obviously timings would have to be altered, but I believe there is scope within the day to run all events. This could also reduce the parking problems – depending on the timing of the races.
Changes to the committee structure within NDCXL
Proposed: Steve Hand Seconded: Lee Shunburne
We believe that the future of the NDCXL will be better served by an Executive Committee, made up of around 8-12 members. Including at least the Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, and other posts as deemed appropriate, with discussion. There should also be a position for a representative of any league sponsors.
The Executive Committee will meet regularly throughout the season, to discuss how the season is progressing. They should have power to alter the rules for the betterment of the league, but all changes should be ratified by the League Committee when appropriate.
The Executive Committee can be made up of members from any affiliated club, but there will only be two available votes to each club, one for the sponsors, and one for Private Members of the league.
As well as the Executive Committee, there will be a League Committee, made up of two voting members from each affiliated club.
The League Committee should meet on pre-arranged dates throughout the year, and be a forum for ideas for the way forward, as well as ratification of any Executive Committee decisions.
The changes to the rules and constitution brought about because of these changes in structure will be reasonably substantial, so will be only written if the outline proposal is agreed.
I (Steve Hand) agree to write these changes into the Constitution and Rules, with consultation with other Committee members, BUT, will agree that nothing can be finalised before they have been voted on at a general meeting.
Rewriting of Constitution and Rules
Proposed: Steve Hand Seconded: Graham Snodden
We believe that the Constitution and Rules of the NDCXL no longer serve the league as well as they should.
They were written at a time when the league was substantially smaller than it is now, and though there have been many amendments and changes to these rules over the years, they no longer form a coherent set of rules.
We believe that the Constitution and Rules should be completely re written in a more coherent way, but keeping the rules (in general) as they are now.
This re-writing of the Constitution and Rules will take a substantial amount of time, so will be only done if the outline proposal is agreed.
I (Steve Hand) agree to write these changes into the Constitution and Rules, with consultation with other Committee members, BUT, will agree that nothing can be finalised before they have been voted on at a general meeting.
Separate races
Proposed: Sarah Naylor Seconded: Graham Snodden
As the number of riders continues to grow year on year, courses are reaching maximum capacity. This raises several concerns. First and foremost, safety: the current procedures (in particular the massed start) were designed for fields of around 100 riders. Typical fields are now 50-100% larger than this, increasing the risk of accidents and making it difficult to achieve the appropriate size and location of start boxes at some venues. Secondly, how can we accommodate the likely continued growth of the league, and especially the progression of the sizeable youth fields to junior level and beyond? Thirdly, how can we ensure that races are not beset by bottlenecks that harm competition? I believe we need to address these issues as a matter of urgency to secure the continuing success of the league.
I propose that we split the senior race into two separate events, an approach which has been successfully implemented by a number of other leagues. A division into two roughly equally-sized races would provide extra capacity for field sizes to grow, whilst also allowing shorter courses that would be easier for both organizers and commissaires (to some extent offsetting the lengthened day). Furthermore, I propose a staggered start for categories within each senior race. This would have advantages in terms of safety, fairness and competitiveness and, in the same way that the staggered women’s start has proved beneficial, it might be expected that such an approach would retain greater numbers of junior riders than previously.
A more detailed breakdown of the proposal follows:
U9U12 first to allow completion of longer courses course inspection
1030 U9 7 mins unchanged
1100 U12 15 mins unchanged
1130 Youth 25 mins unchanged
~25 mins course inspection
1230 Juniors V50 W 40 mins 10 mins less
~30 mins course inspection
1400 Seniors V40 60 mins 10 mins more
There will be staggered starts for Junior V50 Women within the first race, and for Seniors V40 within the second race. All categories must be aligned in their respective start boxes, with individual category starts to be at 30-second or 1-minute intervals (or to avoid blockages at the discretion of the commissaire).
Separate league tables will operate for Juniors, Seniors, V40, V50 & Women (as is currently the case for women). Since the split system is proposed on the grounds of safety, compliance must be actively encouraged. Therefore league points should be awarded only within official category races. For example, although V50s should be permitted to enter the V40 race, they will not be eligible for league points, and similarly for Juniors choosing to race in the Senior category.
A number of rule changes are required to implement the above proposal and are detailed as follows.
Rule 5.6
Events shall normally be held on Saturdays, except any held over the Christmas holiday period, to the following timetable:
Under 9 10:30 – duration 7 minutes;
Under 12 11:00 – duration 15 minutes;
Youth (including Go Ride entries) 11:30 – duration 25 minutes;
Junior 12:30 – duration 40 minutes;
V50 12:31 – duration 40 minutes;
Women 12:32 – duration 40 minutes;
Senior 14:00 – duration 60 minutes;
V40 14:01 – duration 60 minutes.
Rule 5.8
Current League Table standings for Senior, V40, V50, Junior, Women, Yourh, U12 and U9 Leagues shall be produced after the first two events of the season and published in time for counting event number three, and shall be updated and published prior to each subsequent event until the end of the season.
Rule 5.9
This rule (regarding the ranking of the start) would require substantial revision in the event that the motion is passed, therefore it is proposed that an appropriate form be voted upon at a later date to allow for further discussion on how to proceed.
Rule 6.1
Each League competition (Senior, V40, V50, Junior & Women) shall be based on points scored as follows: 200 points to the winner of each race, 199 to the second, and so on, down to 1 point for 200th place.
The awarding of team prizes is likely to be affected by the proposed changes to rule 6.1 therefore the following amendment is suggested:
Rule 8.1
‘FMS’ Team Trophy to the 3 competitors of any category from the same team whose final league positions, when summed, yield the lowest total score.
Mixed Team Trophy to the 3 competitors (one of which must be a woman) from the same team, whose final league positions, when summed, yield the lowest total score.
Entry fees
Proposer: Lee Shunburne Seconder: Sarah Naylor
To increase and differentiate race entry fees for season 201314, in order to cover the cost of both chip timing and online entry. On-the-day prices to be higher than online in order to encourage pre-entry and so reduce the administrative burden on organisers and signing-on teams. Chip timing to be utilised in for ALL races.
On the day
All over 18s
Series registration
Proposer: Lee Shunburne Seconder: Graham Snodden
To change from a club-based to a rider-based affiliation system in order to cover the cost of changing to disposable numbers, reducing the burden on organisers and volunteers.
Disposable numbers to be unique to each round, easing the task of commissaires and also allowing the disqualification of riders found to have discarded numbers, preventing littering. Pins to be supplied with numbers.
Registration fee to be set at £5 for season 201314.
League affiliation
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
2.3 As of from the start of the 201314 season in accordance with rule 2.2, the affiliation fees are fixed at £10 for clubs who promote and £30 for non- promoting clubs. Private members will pay £15.
Entry fees
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
5.5 Substitute in the new fees
Seniors £15 (Including a Notts and Derby levy of £3, £2 of which is to pay for the use of chip timing or ring fenced for Chip timing event promotion at a later date)
Juniors £11 (Including a Notts and Derby levy of £3,£2 of which is to pay for the use of chip timing or ring fenced for Chip timing event promotion at a later date)
Youth and Go ride £6
U12U9’s £2
Start boxes
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
5.9 To amend the start box numbers to incorporate the following:
All the same except
box 2 21 – 75
box 3 76 – above.
8. Date fixing – inc Prize presentation
9. AOB
10. Date of next meeting
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I wish to put forward the proposal that the Juniors, veteran 50+ category, and the Ladies catagory, be incorporated into a wholly separate event from the main race – in order to reduce the field sizes so to enable all riders in both events to compete on a more even basis, with less hinderance from riders not racing in the same category. Obviously timings would have to be altered, but I believe there is scope within the day to run all events. This could also reduce the parking problems – depending on the timing of the races.
Changes to the committee structure within NDCXL
Proposed: Steve Hand Seconded: Lee Shunburne
We believe that the future of the NDCXL will be better served by an Executive Committee, made up of around 8-12 members. Including at least the Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, and other posts as deemed appropriate, with discussion. There should also be a position for a representative of any league sponsors.
The Executive Committee will meet regularly throughout the season, to discuss how the season is progressing. They should have power to alter the rules for the betterment of the league, but all changes should be ratified by the League Committee when appropriate.
The Executive Committee can be made up of members from any affiliated club, but there will only be two available votes to each club, one for the sponsors, and one for Private Members of the league.
As well as the Executive Committee, there will be a League Committee, made up of two voting members from each affiliated club.
The League Committee should meet on pre-arranged dates throughout the year, and be a forum for ideas for the way forward, as well as ratification of any Executive Committee decisions.
The changes to the rules and constitution brought about because of these changes in structure will be reasonably substantial, so will be only written if the outline proposal is agreed.
I (Steve Hand) agree to write these changes into the Constitution and Rules, with consultation with other Committee members, BUT, will agree that nothing can be finalised before they have been voted on at a general meeting.
Rewriting of Constitution and Rules
Proposed: Steve Hand Seconded: Graham Snodden
We believe that the Constitution and Rules of the NDCXL no longer serve the league as well as they should.
They were written at a time when the league was substantially smaller than it is now, and though there have been many amendments and changes to these rules over the years, they no longer form a coherent set of rules.
We believe that the Constitution and Rules should be completely re written in a more coherent way, but keeping the rules (in general) as they are now.
This re-writing of the Constitution and Rules will take a substantial amount of time, so will be only done if the outline proposal is agreed.
I (Steve Hand) agree to write these changes into the Constitution and Rules, with consultation with other Committee members, BUT, will agree that nothing can be finalised before they have been voted on at a general meeting.
Separate races
Proposed: Sarah Naylor Seconded: Graham Snodden
As the number of riders continues to grow year on year, courses are reaching maximum capacity. This raises several concerns. First and foremost, safety: the current procedures (in particular the massed start) were designed for fields of around 100 riders. Typical fields are now 50-100% larger than this, increasing the risk of accidents and making it difficult to achieve the appropriate size and location of start boxes at some venues. Secondly, how can we accommodate the likely continued growth of the league, and especially the progression of the sizeable youth fields to junior level and beyond? Thirdly, how can we ensure that races are not beset by bottlenecks that harm competition? I believe we need to address these issues as a matter of urgency to secure the continuing success of the league.
I propose that we split the senior race into two separate events, an approach which has been successfully implemented by a number of other leagues. A division into two roughly equally-sized races would provide extra capacity for field sizes to grow, whilst also allowing shorter courses that would be easier for both organizers and commissaires (to some extent offsetting the lengthened day). Furthermore, I propose a staggered start for categories within each senior race. This would have advantages in terms of safety, fairness and competitiveness and, in the same way that the staggered women’s start has proved beneficial, it might be expected that such an approach would retain greater numbers of junior riders than previously.
A more detailed breakdown of the proposal follows:
U9U12 first to allow completion of longer courses course inspection
1030 U9 7 mins unchanged
1100 U12 15 mins unchanged
1130 Youth 25 mins unchanged
~25 mins course inspection
1230 Juniors V50 W 40 mins 10 mins less
~30 mins course inspection
1400 Seniors V40 60 mins 10 mins more
There will be staggered starts for Junior V50 Women within the first race, and for Seniors V40 within the second race. All categories must be aligned in their respective start boxes, with individual category starts to be at 30-second or 1-minute intervals (or to avoid blockages at the discretion of the commissaire).
Separate league tables will operate for Juniors, Seniors, V40, V50 & Women (as is currently the case for women). Since the split system is proposed on the grounds of safety, compliance must be actively encouraged. Therefore league points should be awarded only within official category races. For example, although V50s should be permitted to enter the V40 race, they will not be eligible for league points, and similarly for Juniors choosing to race in the Senior category.
A number of rule changes are required to implement the above proposal and are detailed as follows.
Rule 5.6
Events shall normally be held on Saturdays, except any held over the Christmas holiday period, to the following timetable:
Under 9 10:30 – duration 7 minutes;
Under 12 11:00 – duration 15 minutes;
Youth (including Go Ride entries) 11:30 – duration 25 minutes;
Junior 12:30 – duration 40 minutes;
V50 12:31 – duration 40 minutes;
Women 12:32 – duration 40 minutes;
Senior 14:00 – duration 60 minutes;
V40 14:01 – duration 60 minutes.
Rule 5.8
Current League Table standings for Senior, V40, V50, Junior, Women, Yourh, U12 and U9 Leagues shall be produced after the first two events of the season and published in time for counting event number three, and shall be updated and published prior to each subsequent event until the end of the season.
Rule 5.9
This rule (regarding the ranking of the start) would require substantial revision in the event that the motion is passed, therefore it is proposed that an appropriate form be voted upon at a later date to allow for further discussion on how to proceed.
Rule 6.1
Each League competition (Senior, V40, V50, Junior & Women) shall be based on points scored as follows: 200 points to the winner of each race, 199 to the second, and so on, down to 1 point for 200th place.
The awarding of team prizes is likely to be affected by the proposed changes to rule 6.1 therefore the following amendment is suggested:
Rule 8.1
‘FMS’ Team Trophy to the 3 competitors of any category from the same team whose final league positions, when summed, yield the lowest total score.
Mixed Team Trophy to the 3 competitors (one of which must be a woman) from the same team, whose final league positions, when summed, yield the lowest total score.
Entry fees
Proposer: Lee Shunburne Seconder: Sarah Naylor
To increase and differentiate race entry fees for season 201314, in order to cover the cost of both chip timing and online entry. On-the-day prices to be higher than online in order to encourage pre-entry and so reduce the administrative burden on organisers and signing-on teams. Chip timing to be utilised in for ALL races.
On the day
All over 18s
Series registration
Proposer: Lee Shunburne Seconder: Graham Snodden
To change from a club-based to a rider-based affiliation system in order to cover the cost of changing to disposable numbers, reducing the burden on organisers and volunteers.
Disposable numbers to be unique to each round, easing the task of commissaires and also allowing the disqualification of riders found to have discarded numbers, preventing littering. Pins to be supplied with numbers.
Registration fee to be set at £5 for season 201314.
League affiliation
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
2.3 As of from the start of the 201314 season in accordance with rule 2.2, the affiliation fees are fixed at £10 for clubs who promote and £30 for non- promoting clubs. Private members will pay £15.
Entry fees
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
5.5 Substitute in the new fees
Seniors £15 (Including a Notts and Derby levy of £3, £2 of which is to pay for the use of chip timing or ring fenced for Chip timing event promotion at a later date)
Juniors £11 (Including a Notts and Derby levy of £3,£2 of which is to pay for the use of chip timing or ring fenced for Chip timing event promotion at a later date)
Youth and Go ride £6
U12U9’s £2
Start boxes
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
5.9 To amend the start box numbers to incorporate the following:
All the same except
box 2 21 – 75
box 3 76 – above.
8. Date fixing – inc Prize presentation
9. AOB
10. Date of next meeting
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We believe that the future of the NDCXL will be better served by an Executive Committee, made up of around 8-12 members. Including at least the Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, and other posts as deemed appropriate, with discussion. There should also be a position for a representative of any league sponsors.
The Executive Committee will meet regularly throughout the season, to discuss how the season is progressing. They should have power to alter the rules for the betterment of the league, but all changes should be ratified by the League Committee when appropriate.
The Executive Committee can be made up of members from any affiliated club, but there will only be two available votes to each club, one for the sponsors, and one for Private Members of the league.
As well as the Executive Committee, there will be a League Committee, made up of two voting members from each affiliated club.
The League Committee should meet on pre-arranged dates throughout the year, and be a forum for ideas for the way forward, as well as ratification of any Executive Committee decisions.
The changes to the rules and constitution brought about because of these changes in structure will be reasonably substantial, so will be only written if the outline proposal is agreed.
I (Steve Hand) agree to write these changes into the Constitution and Rules, with consultation with other Committee members, BUT, will agree that nothing can be finalised before they have been voted on at a general meeting.
Rewriting of Constitution and Rules
Proposed: Steve Hand Seconded: Graham Snodden
We believe that the Constitution and Rules of the NDCXL no longer serve the league as well as they should.
They were written at a time when the league was substantially smaller than it is now, and though there have been many amendments and changes to these rules over the years, they no longer form a coherent set of rules.
We believe that the Constitution and Rules should be completely re written in a more coherent way, but keeping the rules (in general) as they are now.
This re-writing of the Constitution and Rules will take a substantial amount of time, so will be only done if the outline proposal is agreed.
I (Steve Hand) agree to write these changes into the Constitution and Rules, with consultation with other Committee members, BUT, will agree that nothing can be finalised before they have been voted on at a general meeting.
Separate races
Proposed: Sarah Naylor Seconded: Graham Snodden
As the number of riders continues to grow year on year, courses are reaching maximum capacity. This raises several concerns. First and foremost, safety: the current procedures (in particular the massed start) were designed for fields of around 100 riders. Typical fields are now 50-100% larger than this, increasing the risk of accidents and making it difficult to achieve the appropriate size and location of start boxes at some venues. Secondly, how can we accommodate the likely continued growth of the league, and especially the progression of the sizeable youth fields to junior level and beyond? Thirdly, how can we ensure that races are not beset by bottlenecks that harm competition? I believe we need to address these issues as a matter of urgency to secure the continuing success of the league.
I propose that we split the senior race into two separate events, an approach which has been successfully implemented by a number of other leagues. A division into two roughly equally-sized races would provide extra capacity for field sizes to grow, whilst also allowing shorter courses that would be easier for both organizers and commissaires (to some extent offsetting the lengthened day). Furthermore, I propose a staggered start for categories within each senior race. This would have advantages in terms of safety, fairness and competitiveness and, in the same way that the staggered women’s start has proved beneficial, it might be expected that such an approach would retain greater numbers of junior riders than previously.
A more detailed breakdown of the proposal follows:
U9U12 first to allow completion of longer courses course inspection
1030 U9 7 mins unchanged
1100 U12 15 mins unchanged
1130 Youth 25 mins unchanged
~25 mins course inspection
1230 Juniors V50 W 40 mins 10 mins less
~30 mins course inspection
1400 Seniors V40 60 mins 10 mins more
There will be staggered starts for Junior V50 Women within the first race, and for Seniors V40 within the second race. All categories must be aligned in their respective start boxes, with individual category starts to be at 30-second or 1-minute intervals (or to avoid blockages at the discretion of the commissaire).
Separate league tables will operate for Juniors, Seniors, V40, V50 & Women (as is currently the case for women). Since the split system is proposed on the grounds of safety, compliance must be actively encouraged. Therefore league points should be awarded only within official category races. For example, although V50s should be permitted to enter the V40 race, they will not be eligible for league points, and similarly for Juniors choosing to race in the Senior category.
A number of rule changes are required to implement the above proposal and are detailed as follows.
Rule 5.6
Events shall normally be held on Saturdays, except any held over the Christmas holiday period, to the following timetable:
Under 9 10:30 – duration 7 minutes;
Under 12 11:00 – duration 15 minutes;
Youth (including Go Ride entries) 11:30 – duration 25 minutes;
Junior 12:30 – duration 40 minutes;
V50 12:31 – duration 40 minutes;
Women 12:32 – duration 40 minutes;
Senior 14:00 – duration 60 minutes;
V40 14:01 – duration 60 minutes.
Rule 5.8
Current League Table standings for Senior, V40, V50, Junior, Women, Yourh, U12 and U9 Leagues shall be produced after the first two events of the season and published in time for counting event number three, and shall be updated and published prior to each subsequent event until the end of the season.
Rule 5.9
This rule (regarding the ranking of the start) would require substantial revision in the event that the motion is passed, therefore it is proposed that an appropriate form be voted upon at a later date to allow for further discussion on how to proceed.
Rule 6.1
Each League competition (Senior, V40, V50, Junior & Women) shall be based on points scored as follows: 200 points to the winner of each race, 199 to the second, and so on, down to 1 point for 200th place.
The awarding of team prizes is likely to be affected by the proposed changes to rule 6.1 therefore the following amendment is suggested:
Rule 8.1
‘FMS’ Team Trophy to the 3 competitors of any category from the same team whose final league positions, when summed, yield the lowest total score.
Mixed Team Trophy to the 3 competitors (one of which must be a woman) from the same team, whose final league positions, when summed, yield the lowest total score.
Entry fees
Proposer: Lee Shunburne Seconder: Sarah Naylor
To increase and differentiate race entry fees for season 201314, in order to cover the cost of both chip timing and online entry. On-the-day prices to be higher than online in order to encourage pre-entry and so reduce the administrative burden on organisers and signing-on teams. Chip timing to be utilised in for ALL races.
On the day
All over 18s
Series registration
Proposer: Lee Shunburne Seconder: Graham Snodden
To change from a club-based to a rider-based affiliation system in order to cover the cost of changing to disposable numbers, reducing the burden on organisers and volunteers.
Disposable numbers to be unique to each round, easing the task of commissaires and also allowing the disqualification of riders found to have discarded numbers, preventing littering. Pins to be supplied with numbers.
Registration fee to be set at £5 for season 201314.
League affiliation
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
2.3 As of from the start of the 201314 season in accordance with rule 2.2, the affiliation fees are fixed at £10 for clubs who promote and £30 for non- promoting clubs. Private members will pay £15.
Entry fees
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
5.5 Substitute in the new fees
Seniors £15 (Including a Notts and Derby levy of £3, £2 of which is to pay for the use of chip timing or ring fenced for Chip timing event promotion at a later date)
Juniors £11 (Including a Notts and Derby levy of £3,£2 of which is to pay for the use of chip timing or ring fenced for Chip timing event promotion at a later date)
Youth and Go ride £6
U12U9’s £2
Start boxes
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
5.9 To amend the start box numbers to incorporate the following:
All the same except
box 2 21 – 75
box 3 76 – above.
8. Date fixing – inc Prize presentation
9. AOB
10. Date of next meeting
Copyright © 2025 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes
We believe that the Constitution and Rules of the NDCXL no longer serve the league as well as they should.
They were written at a time when the league was substantially smaller than it is now, and though there have been many amendments and changes to these rules over the years, they no longer form a coherent set of rules.
We believe that the Constitution and Rules should be completely re written in a more coherent way, but keeping the rules (in general) as they are now.
This re-writing of the Constitution and Rules will take a substantial amount of time, so will be only done if the outline proposal is agreed.
I (Steve Hand) agree to write these changes into the Constitution and Rules, with consultation with other Committee members, BUT, will agree that nothing can be finalised before they have been voted on at a general meeting.
Separate races
Proposed: Sarah Naylor Seconded: Graham Snodden
As the number of riders continues to grow year on year, courses are reaching maximum capacity. This raises several concerns. First and foremost, safety: the current procedures (in particular the massed start) were designed for fields of around 100 riders. Typical fields are now 50-100% larger than this, increasing the risk of accidents and making it difficult to achieve the appropriate size and location of start boxes at some venues. Secondly, how can we accommodate the likely continued growth of the league, and especially the progression of the sizeable youth fields to junior level and beyond? Thirdly, how can we ensure that races are not beset by bottlenecks that harm competition? I believe we need to address these issues as a matter of urgency to secure the continuing success of the league.
I propose that we split the senior race into two separate events, an approach which has been successfully implemented by a number of other leagues. A division into two roughly equally-sized races would provide extra capacity for field sizes to grow, whilst also allowing shorter courses that would be easier for both organizers and commissaires (to some extent offsetting the lengthened day). Furthermore, I propose a staggered start for categories within each senior race. This would have advantages in terms of safety, fairness and competitiveness and, in the same way that the staggered women’s start has proved beneficial, it might be expected that such an approach would retain greater numbers of junior riders than previously.
A more detailed breakdown of the proposal follows:
U9U12 first to allow completion of longer courses course inspection
1030 U9 7 mins unchanged
1100 U12 15 mins unchanged
1130 Youth 25 mins unchanged
~25 mins course inspection
1230 Juniors V50 W 40 mins 10 mins less
~30 mins course inspection
1400 Seniors V40 60 mins 10 mins more
There will be staggered starts for Junior V50 Women within the first race, and for Seniors V40 within the second race. All categories must be aligned in their respective start boxes, with individual category starts to be at 30-second or 1-minute intervals (or to avoid blockages at the discretion of the commissaire).
Separate league tables will operate for Juniors, Seniors, V40, V50 & Women (as is currently the case for women). Since the split system is proposed on the grounds of safety, compliance must be actively encouraged. Therefore league points should be awarded only within official category races. For example, although V50s should be permitted to enter the V40 race, they will not be eligible for league points, and similarly for Juniors choosing to race in the Senior category.
A number of rule changes are required to implement the above proposal and are detailed as follows.
Rule 5.6
Events shall normally be held on Saturdays, except any held over the Christmas holiday period, to the following timetable:
Under 9 10:30 – duration 7 minutes;
Under 12 11:00 – duration 15 minutes;
Youth (including Go Ride entries) 11:30 – duration 25 minutes;
Junior 12:30 – duration 40 minutes;
V50 12:31 – duration 40 minutes;
Women 12:32 – duration 40 minutes;
Senior 14:00 – duration 60 minutes;
V40 14:01 – duration 60 minutes.
Rule 5.8
Current League Table standings for Senior, V40, V50, Junior, Women, Yourh, U12 and U9 Leagues shall be produced after the first two events of the season and published in time for counting event number three, and shall be updated and published prior to each subsequent event until the end of the season.
Rule 5.9
This rule (regarding the ranking of the start) would require substantial revision in the event that the motion is passed, therefore it is proposed that an appropriate form be voted upon at a later date to allow for further discussion on how to proceed.
Rule 6.1
Each League competition (Senior, V40, V50, Junior & Women) shall be based on points scored as follows: 200 points to the winner of each race, 199 to the second, and so on, down to 1 point for 200th place.
The awarding of team prizes is likely to be affected by the proposed changes to rule 6.1 therefore the following amendment is suggested:
Rule 8.1
‘FMS’ Team Trophy to the 3 competitors of any category from the same team whose final league positions, when summed, yield the lowest total score.
Mixed Team Trophy to the 3 competitors (one of which must be a woman) from the same team, whose final league positions, when summed, yield the lowest total score.
Entry fees
Proposer: Lee Shunburne Seconder: Sarah Naylor
To increase and differentiate race entry fees for season 201314, in order to cover the cost of both chip timing and online entry. On-the-day prices to be higher than online in order to encourage pre-entry and so reduce the administrative burden on organisers and signing-on teams. Chip timing to be utilised in for ALL races.
On the day
All over 18s
Series registration
Proposer: Lee Shunburne Seconder: Graham Snodden
To change from a club-based to a rider-based affiliation system in order to cover the cost of changing to disposable numbers, reducing the burden on organisers and volunteers.
Disposable numbers to be unique to each round, easing the task of commissaires and also allowing the disqualification of riders found to have discarded numbers, preventing littering. Pins to be supplied with numbers.
Registration fee to be set at £5 for season 201314.
League affiliation
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
2.3 As of from the start of the 201314 season in accordance with rule 2.2, the affiliation fees are fixed at £10 for clubs who promote and £30 for non- promoting clubs. Private members will pay £15.
Entry fees
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
5.5 Substitute in the new fees
Seniors £15 (Including a Notts and Derby levy of £3, £2 of which is to pay for the use of chip timing or ring fenced for Chip timing event promotion at a later date)
Juniors £11 (Including a Notts and Derby levy of £3,£2 of which is to pay for the use of chip timing or ring fenced for Chip timing event promotion at a later date)
Youth and Go ride £6
U12U9’s £2
Start boxes
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
5.9 To amend the start box numbers to incorporate the following:
All the same except
box 2 21 – 75
box 3 76 – above.
8. Date fixing – inc Prize presentation
9. AOB
10. Date of next meeting
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As the number of riders continues to grow year on year, courses are reaching maximum capacity. This raises several concerns. First and foremost, safety: the current procedures (in particular the massed start) were designed for fields of around 100 riders. Typical fields are now 50-100% larger than this, increasing the risk of accidents and making it difficult to achieve the appropriate size and location of start boxes at some venues. Secondly, how can we accommodate the likely continued growth of the league, and especially the progression of the sizeable youth fields to junior level and beyond? Thirdly, how can we ensure that races are not beset by bottlenecks that harm competition? I believe we need to address these issues as a matter of urgency to secure the continuing success of the league.
I propose that we split the senior race into two separate events, an approach which has been successfully implemented by a number of other leagues. A division into two roughly equally-sized races would provide extra capacity for field sizes to grow, whilst also allowing shorter courses that would be easier for both organizers and commissaires (to some extent offsetting the lengthened day). Furthermore, I propose a staggered start for categories within each senior race. This would have advantages in terms of safety, fairness and competitiveness and, in the same way that the staggered women’s start has proved beneficial, it might be expected that such an approach would retain greater numbers of junior riders than previously.
A more detailed breakdown of the proposal follows:
U9U12 first to allow completion of longer courses course inspection
1030 U9 7 mins unchanged
1100 U12 15 mins unchanged
1130 Youth 25 mins unchanged
~25 mins course inspection
1230 Juniors V50 W 40 mins 10 mins less
~30 mins course inspection
1400 Seniors V40 60 mins 10 mins more
There will be staggered starts for Junior V50 Women within the first race, and for Seniors V40 within the second race. All categories must be aligned in their respective start boxes, with individual category starts to be at 30-second or 1-minute intervals (or to avoid blockages at the discretion of the commissaire).
Separate league tables will operate for Juniors, Seniors, V40, V50 & Women (as is currently the case for women). Since the split system is proposed on the grounds of safety, compliance must be actively encouraged. Therefore league points should be awarded only within official category races. For example, although V50s should be permitted to enter the V40 race, they will not be eligible for league points, and similarly for Juniors choosing to race in the Senior category.
A number of rule changes are required to implement the above proposal and are detailed as follows.
Rule 5.6
Events shall normally be held on Saturdays, except any held over the Christmas holiday period, to the following timetable:
Under 9 10:30 – duration 7 minutes;
Under 12 11:00 – duration 15 minutes;
Youth (including Go Ride entries) 11:30 – duration 25 minutes;
Junior 12:30 – duration 40 minutes;
V50 12:31 – duration 40 minutes;
Women 12:32 – duration 40 minutes;
Senior 14:00 – duration 60 minutes;
V40 14:01 – duration 60 minutes.
Rule 5.8
Current League Table standings for Senior, V40, V50, Junior, Women, Yourh, U12 and U9 Leagues shall be produced after the first two events of the season and published in time for counting event number three, and shall be updated and published prior to each subsequent event until the end of the season.
Rule 5.9
This rule (regarding the ranking of the start) would require substantial revision in the event that the motion is passed, therefore it is proposed that an appropriate form be voted upon at a later date to allow for further discussion on how to proceed.
Rule 6.1
Each League competition (Senior, V40, V50, Junior & Women) shall be based on points scored as follows: 200 points to the winner of each race, 199 to the second, and so on, down to 1 point for 200th place.
The awarding of team prizes is likely to be affected by the proposed changes to rule 6.1 therefore the following amendment is suggested:
Rule 8.1
‘FMS’ Team Trophy to the 3 competitors of any category from the same team whose final league positions, when summed, yield the lowest total score.
Mixed Team Trophy to the 3 competitors (one of which must be a woman) from the same team, whose final league positions, when summed, yield the lowest total score.
Entry fees
Proposer: Lee Shunburne Seconder: Sarah Naylor
To increase and differentiate race entry fees for season 201314, in order to cover the cost of both chip timing and online entry. On-the-day prices to be higher than online in order to encourage pre-entry and so reduce the administrative burden on organisers and signing-on teams. Chip timing to be utilised in for ALL races.
On the day
All over 18s
Series registration
Proposer: Lee Shunburne Seconder: Graham Snodden
To change from a club-based to a rider-based affiliation system in order to cover the cost of changing to disposable numbers, reducing the burden on organisers and volunteers.
Disposable numbers to be unique to each round, easing the task of commissaires and also allowing the disqualification of riders found to have discarded numbers, preventing littering. Pins to be supplied with numbers.
Registration fee to be set at £5 for season 201314.
League affiliation
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
2.3 As of from the start of the 201314 season in accordance with rule 2.2, the affiliation fees are fixed at £10 for clubs who promote and £30 for non- promoting clubs. Private members will pay £15.
Entry fees
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
5.5 Substitute in the new fees
Seniors £15 (Including a Notts and Derby levy of £3, £2 of which is to pay for the use of chip timing or ring fenced for Chip timing event promotion at a later date)
Juniors £11 (Including a Notts and Derby levy of £3,£2 of which is to pay for the use of chip timing or ring fenced for Chip timing event promotion at a later date)
Youth and Go ride £6
U12U9’s £2
Start boxes
Proposer: Julian Gould Seconder: John Holmes
5.9 To amend the start box numbers to incorporate the following:
All the same except
box 2 21 – 75
box 3 76 – above.
8. Date fixing – inc Prize presentation
9. AOB
10. Date of next meeting
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To increase and differentiate race entry fees for season 201314, in order to cover the cost of both chip timing and online entry. On-the-day prices to be higher than online in order to encourage pre-entry and so reduce the administrative burden on organisers and signing-on teams. Chip timing to be utilised in for ALL races.
Category | Online | On the day | |||
All over 18s | £15 | £20 | |||
Youth | £7 | £10 | |||
U12 | £3.70 | £3 | |||
U9 | £3.70 | £3 | |||