SRAM Notts & Derby Cyclo-cross League committee meeting
Thursday 2 May 2013 7:30pm at the The Red Cow, Allestree
Andrew Naylor – Fossa Racing
Sarah Naylor – Fossa Racing
Martin Stocks – Matlock CC
Kyle Burleigh – Fossa Racing
Mick Gascoigne – Matlock CC
Margaret Gascoigne
Pete Turner – Derby Mercury RC
Mac Lambert – Heanor Clarion CC
Steve Hand – Derby Mercury RC
John Holmes – Empella RT
Karen Lifford – British Cycling
Mary Gill – Heanor Clarion
Richard Shenton, Neil Mansfield, Christ Willett, Lee Shunburne, Gavin Hardwicke and Graham Snodden.
Minutes of previous meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read, agreed as a true and accurate record.
Proposer: Andrew Naylor (AN); 2nd: Mac Lambert (ML).
Matters arising are all covered by Agenda items.
Updating the Rules and Constitution
Steve Hand (SH) confirmed that the Rules were in the process of being written up according to the previous meeting.
Karen Lifford (KL) explained that the draft Constitution was based on the British Cycling proforma and incorporated important points from the previous version.
Specific Constitution points were discussed, including:
General meetings
Such meetings need 14 days clear written notice to members
An agenda will be published not less than 5 days before any general meeting, and all motions to the meeting should be reeived not less than 7 days before the meeting
The quorum for all general meetings is 6 members or 10% of the total current membership which ever is greater.
Voting entitlement will be 2 votes per club, plus 2 private member representatives.
Proposer: Sarah Naylor (SN); 2nd: Martin Stocks (MS)
For: 9; Against: 0; Abs 2
Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)An EGM shall be called by the Secretary within 14 days of the request to that effect from the elected committee or on the written request of not less than 14 members signed by them. Such an EGM shall be held on not less than 7 or more than 21 days’ notice at a placed decided upon by the elected committee or in default by the Chair.
Elected committee
Composition – The elected committee shall consist of at least three and not more than 16 members (including Officers).
Elected committee meetings – At least 6 members must be present for the meeting to be valid.
The definition of “Lifetime” NDCXL members is to be clarified.
ACTION: SH to continue work and present to the next meeting.
Summer Test Event
A test event is being proposed for Sunday 7th July. This will incorporate a Commissaire training course, the organisers meeting, a Go-cross event and test the chip timing system. Details, including venue, to be discussed further at next meet.
Organisers Meeting
The organisers meeting, to be incorporated into the Summer Test Event, was discussed.
Additional League event – Long Eaton
VC Long Eaton have requested a NDCXL event – the proposed event will take place on 25th January, Draycott as possible venue.
Event registrations update
Still only about 50% of proposed events have returned their event registration forms to EMCCA secretary.
The meeting gave the OK for Chris Willett (CW) to continue investigations into her proposed Prize Presentation evening.
ACTION: CW to continue investigations.
The meeting discussed a tribute trophy in Harry Gould’s name in recognition of Harry’s contribution to NDCXL.
Proposer: John Holmes (JH); 2nd: SH
For: 10; Against: 0; Abs 1
Sarah Naylor informed the meeting that neither the NDCXL accounts, cheque book or current funds had been received. Harry Gould, previous treasurer, has indicated his intention to close the existing League bank account and hand over funds in approximately 5 months, then have the books audited. Consequently the League has no working capital. AN to approach the EMCCA for a loan. The committee was keen to appoint an affordable auditor – JH volunteered to approach his contact.
ACTION: AN speak with EMCCA regarding loan and JH to approach auditor and arrange transfer of books with Harry Gould.
JH reported that he still needs many more Commissaires to support the proposed League calendar.