This one is not so much a rule as a great help! When you sign on at a League event you’re given a chip, an arm number and a back number.
The chip system is terrific as it saves our volunteer team hours each weekend writing up names and times etc. However, we still keep a manual back up of the race … just in case! The line judgeslap recorders rely on “well pinned” numbers to make that record.
Well pinned means:
Arm number
Arm number
- Think about your position on the bike … when you’re forward on the bars you don’t want extra strain on your jersey
- Not too far around the front of the arm or the judges won’t be able to see it
- Please use four pins, one in each corner – there are always extra pins in the signing on tent
- Arm numbers are so very helpful when the back number is covered in mud!
Back number
Back number
- Again, think of your position on the bike … the number needs to be comfortable when you’re forward on the bars, and not so tight that it pops the pins or tears your jersey
- Pin low down so that the number is easily visible – not obscured by your hair, a hoody, etc
- Use four pins, one in each corner – there are always extra pins in the signing on tent.
Once you’ve raced – please return the numbers – cleaned and pinned together along with your chip to the signing on tent.
Thanks to our model Matt and number pinner Heather!
- Think about your position on the bike … when you’re forward on the bars you don’t want extra strain on your jersey
- Not too far around the front of the arm or the judges won’t be able to see it
- Please use four pins, one in each corner – there are always extra pins in the signing on tent
- Arm numbers are so very helpful when the back number is covered in mud!
- Again, think of your position on the bike … the number needs to be comfortable when you’re forward on the bars, and not so tight that it pops the pins or tears your jersey
- Pin low down so that the number is easily visible – not obscured by your hair, a hoody, etc
- Use four pins, one in each corner – there are always extra pins in the signing on tent.
Once you’ve raced – please return the numbers – cleaned and pinned together along with your chip to the signing on tent.
Thanks to our model Matt and number pinner Heather!
Back number
Back number