Minutes – SRAM NDCXL meeting 24 October 2013

NDCXL logoSRAM Notts & Derby Cyclo-cross League meeting

Thursday 24 October 2013 7:30pm at The Red Cow, Allestree



Andrew Naylor – Fossa RT
Sarah Naylor – Fossa RT
Russell Cox – South Pennine RC
Mac Lambert – Heanor Clarion CC
Mac Lambert Senior – Heanor Clarion CC
Pete Turner – Derby Mercury RC
Neil Mansfield – Nottingham Clarion CC
Steve Hand – Derby Mercury RC
Rob Wimble – Zepnat.com RT
Richard Shenton – Beeston CC
John Holmes – Empella.comcyclo-cross.com RT
Ian Gascoigne – Empella.comcyclo-cross.com RT
Mick Gascoigne – Matlock CC
Lee Shunburne – Fossa RT
Karen Lifford – British Cycling
Mary Gill – Heanor Clarion CC



Matt Crouch, Chris Willett, Gavin Hardwicke, Pete Riley, John Gott, Julian Gould and Alan Maddocks.


Minutes of previous meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read, agreed as a true and accurate record.

  • Proposer: Mac Lambert (ML); 2nd: John Holmes (JH) – For 14, Against 0, Abstained 0 – CARRIED

      All complete except Steve Hand (SH) still to obtain Women’s trophy.


      2.4.1 Any member of a league affiliated club, who themselves happen to live outside the BC Midlands Championships area; will be expected to complete their respective area championships, as per BC rules, to gain average League points.

      • Proposer: SH; 2nd: Sarah Naylor (SN) – For 14, Against 0, Abstained 0 – CARRIED
        • 4.2 Team Trophies: All leagues above Youth.

          4.2.1 Riders will score ‘points’ according to their position in their respective Leagues, with one point for first place etc. (These Leagues will be: Junior, Senior, V40, V50 and Women.)

          • Proposer: SH; 2nd: Ian Gascoigne (IG) – For 14, Against 0, Abstained 0 – CARRIED

Chairman’s report:

Chip timing working well now – biggest problem is riders forgetting to wear chips! Need to look to collect licence numbers into raw to speed BC results system.

Russell Cox (RC) would like receive the raw entryresults data.

The cancellation of Beeston CC’s Bramcote Park event was much discussed. The meeting reflected on the vulnerability of some other venues. The meeting agreed to continue the hunt for additional suitable venues, and to begin creating an evidence pack to provide to land owners.

U9U12s starts are becoming difficult. The committee re-affirmed its support for marshalls and commissaires taking appropriate action – reposition riders as appropriate or if necessary disqualify.

The SRAM League sponsorship agreement is due for renewal.The current agreement was outlined with SRAM’s contributions – cash, tents, tape, numbers and banners listed. The meeting suggested that we could request more money, tape, pit flags, planks event signs, number sets and ongoing tent maintenance.The meeting did discuss to possibility of asking SRAM to support a League owned electronic timing system – however this was rejected.

The League will investigate the possibility of providing morebetter publicity, eg press reports.

ACTION: Andrew Naylor (AN) to create a proposal for SRAM.

The League would still like to appoint a PR officer.

ACTION: MG and KL to investigate.


Secretary’s report:

Received notification that BC League affiliation due.ACTION: SN to complete.

Communications have been received from people requesting refunds of their entry fees, or transfer from one round to the next. The meeting confirmed that after each event closing date the event organiser is under no obligation to refund, and that transfer is not available. Prior to closing date is at the event organisers discretion.

Treasurer’s report:

SN issued copies of accounts showing a balance of £4,676.


Race reviews:

Round 3 – Cycle Derby CC – Markeaton Park – 21st September – First event for Cycle Derby CC, their U9U12 courses need to be a little longer, the start area was good. Overall a good event.Round 4 – Heanor Clarion CC – Shipley Park – 28th September – There was a serious incident involving a member of the public using the Heanor Clarion’s one way traffic system getting her vehicle stuck in a ditch. The club resolved the matter with communication – however this did highlight the importance of Commissaires and marshalls documenting racing and non-racing incidents. The U9U12 courses were too short. The U12 start was problematic after a mix up with course taping, and the pit area too wide. Good event.

Round 5 – South Pennine RCZepnat.com RT – Allestree Park – 5th October – U9U12 course too short, but excellent event.

Round 6 – Belper BC – Alfreton Park – 12th October – U9U12 course too short. Senior course good. Questions asked re vets prize money.

Round 7 – VC Nottingham – Bingham LC – 19th October – Senior and Youth course far too long. 


Prize presentation evening:

The venue confirmed as Hilltop Working Mens Club, Bolsover.Timetable:
8:00 – 8:30 Live entertainment
8:30 – 9:45 Prize presentation and food
9:45 – 11:00 Entertainment
Venue seats 120, tickets at £10 for over 12s, £5 for U12s.



RC issued participation figures for the season to date, show 25% increase

Mick Gascoigne (MG) has been pleased with assistance received from clubs, however some organisers still struggle with set up, eg pits, start area, etc – a diagram would help.

Lee Shunburne (LS) expressed concerns that VC Long Eaton haven’t been in touch regarding their event.

Pete Turner (PT) noted that the senior races have lost some of their atmosphere.

Neil Mansfield (NM) urged the League to consider succession planning for the U9 and U12 races – as marshal’s children move up, etc.

SH reported that Ricky Wildman is hoping to step away from managing the youngsters League tables – Bob Howe has volunteered to step into the role. The meeting thanks Ricky Wildman for his contribution.

Rob Wimble (RW) requested that forum sections be added for Lost & found and Prize money.ACTION: MG to add.

Appendix H is missing from the League website.ACTION: MG to add.

JH reports that he is still missing 3rd Comm for Ashfield and Matlock events.

JH also reported that the Cyclo-cross Trust has written to the EMCCA offering a grant of up to £500 for rider development.

AN reported that the BC transaction Admin fee will increase to £1 next season.

AN also noted that the event prize giving has all but disappeared.ACTION: MG to ask organisers to re-instate..


Next meeting

Thursday 5th December 2013 7:30pm – The Red Cow, Allestree

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  1. Agenda – SRAM NDCXL meeting 5 December 2013 | Notts & Derby Cyclo-cross League
  2. Agenda – SRAM NDCXL meeting 16 January 2014 | Notts & Derby Cyclo-cross League

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