Minutes – SRAM NDCXL meeting 13 November 2014

NDCXL logoSRAM Notts & Derby Cyclo-cross League meeting

Thursday 13 November 2014 7:30pm at The Red Cow, Allestree



Andrew Naylor – Fossa RT

Gavin Hardwicke – Fossa RT

John Holmes – Team Empellacyclo-cross.com

Lee Shunburne – Fossa RT

Kyle Burleigh – Fossa RT

Richard Edge – Nottingham Clarion CC

Pete Turner – Derby Mercury RC

Neil Mansfield – Nottingham Clarion CC

Fred Lambert – Heanor Clarion CC

Nigel Gill – Heanor Clarion CC

Ana Gill – Heanor Clarion CC

Tim Cooper – Bolsover & District CC

Pete Lifford – unattached

Steve Hand – Derby Mercury RC

Mac Lambert – Heanor Clarion CC

Russell Cox – South Pennine RC

Karen Lifford – British Cycling

Mary Gill – Heanor Clarion CC



Sarah Naylor, Richard Shenton, Matt Crouch and Louise Kirkham.


Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising

Error in 5 Treasurers report – year should read “201415”. Russell Cox (RC) queried Event review comments re Sherwood Pines lap length.

The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read, agreed as a true and accurate record.

  • Proposer: Mac Lambert (ML); 2nd: Steve Hand (SH) – For 14, Against 0, Abstained 0 – CARRIED

Chairman’s report

The various chip timing issues seen at earlier League rounds are now resolved after discussions between Lee Shunburne (LS) and SmartTiming. Missing chips will need to be paid for from now onwards. Pete Turner (PT) reported that riders were appreciating speedy results reporting. Mary Gill (MG) reported that results were being posted in location(s) agreed.


Secretary’s report

MG informed the meeting of her intention to step down from League duties at AGM. Andrew Naylor (AN) thanked MG for contribution to League.

Treasurer’s report

Sarah Naylor sent word to say that SRAM monies are now in and that the League bank account is in a healthy state. Levies are up-to-date.


Event reviews

18 October – 5 – VC Nottingham – Bingham Leisure Centre: There were issues with the chip timing system. Comms made tweaks to course with support of organiser including shortening the lap for the SenJunWomen’s race. Neil Mansfield (NM) enjoyed the new course. Problems with marshalls removing course marking before racing complete.

25 October – 6 – Belper BC – Alfreton Park: Cricket Club HQ a great addition to the event. Good course. Parking reasonable. U12s course nicely challenging. In general more staking would be useful. RC queried course design making lap timing awkward.

1 November – 7 – Mercia CC – Swadlincote Ski Centre: New venue, good event. Compact course needed more stakes. Parking was difficult with some U9s parents becoming blocked in car park. Site access for emergency vehicles could have been a problem. No vehicular access to finish area. PT questioned steepness of sharp drop – Comms satisified and AN felt just within local league “skill level”. Finish run-off too tight. U12 could start in same space as U9s. Need to keep riders and spectators off football pitches.

8 November – 8 – Bolsover & District CC – Hardwick Hall: Long laps. Barbed wire around course is a problem. Shortage of marshalls. New start loop good and long. Great weekend of racing from B&DCC.



Gavin Hardwicke (GH) asked about missing rule updates from 2014 AGM – MG to review.
ACTION: MG to check and update Rules.

John Holmes (JH) had an approach from Pete Mooney regarding League supporting an event at Mallory Park on 31 October. Meeting said no thank you.
ACTION: JH to inform Pete Mooney.

PT noted that there has been a great deal of online discussion regarding the League’s U12 & U9s races and in particular starts. League youngsters races are intended to be inclusive and encourage youngsters into cyclo-cross. All parentscarerscoaches are invited to meetings to suggestdiscuss rule changes. Current rules stand.

Fred Lambert asked about catering arrangements for Markeaton Park. Regular League caterers have been invited.

SH mentioned recent Lincs League difficulties with gel wrappers.

ML requested an additional volunteer lap recorder for Holme Pierrepont event.

AN informed the meeting that custom U12U9Youth medals have been ordered, and thanked Richard Edge for his Press releases.

Next meeting:

Thursday 8th January 2015 7:30pm


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  1. Agenda – SRAM NDCXL meeting 8 January 2015 | SRAM Notts & Derby Cyclo-cross League
  2. Agenda – SRAM NDCXL meeting 8 January 2015 Copy | SRAM Notts & Derby Cyclo-cross League

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