Committee Vacancies

As many of you will be aware, the SRAM NDCXL relies on the support and efforts of a large team of people in order to bring us all the excellent races and infrastructure that make us one of the best CX leagues in the UK

The League Committee forms a key part of this wider team, helping to represent the interests of the league members and clubs, and also performing a number of core tasks necessary to the smooth running of the league itself.

With the AGM due shortly, some of the Committee members have decided to use this opportunity to step down from their positions, and as such the League is now actively seeking candidates to take on these important positions.

The roles in question are:

  • Secretary Web – Coordinator – role currently carried out by Mary Gill
    • Role Overview



      Social media




      Constitution and rules

      Mail chimp

      Manage domain and associated ftp folders and e-mail addresses

      Maintain safe and secure main website

      Create some pre-race content

      Create results pages

      Create “other” content

      Maintain calendar

      Create forms

      Maintain safe and secure forum

      Moderate forum

      Event ticketing

      Monitor and respond to FB posts and messages

      Add events and meeting to FB

      Post FB reminders

      Share “League friendly” posts

      Monitor and respond to tweets and Twitter messages

      RT “League friendly” messages


      This role requires a high level of organisation skills, experience with social media and a good level of general IT skills. There is an expectation of attendance at Committee meetings in order to fulfil the secretary element of this role. The social media element is one which requires daily activity.


      • Results & League Tables Co-ordinator – role currently carried out by Steve Hand
        • (note – there has been an expression of interest in fulfilling this role by the current Assistant Results & League Tables Co-ordinator, (subject to election), so there may be an opportunity for applications for the Assistant role.)

          Role Overview

          During season:

          Keep a check of affiliated clubs and private members.

          Keep in contact with chip-timing, regarding namecatclub errors.

          Before each race:

          Receive list of pre entries, and check for any obvious errors.

          Race day:

          Keep notes of any obvious errors during races.

          Take away paper back up sheets after all races completed.

          Take away one copy of sign-on sheets, where possible.

          After race day:

          Receive e-mail results from chip timing.

          Check results for obvious errors.

          Receive queries from riders.

          Check through queries and alter results as necessary (preferably by Tuesday).

          Receive list of average points scorers from race organiser.

          E-mail final results to BC, with license numbers attached.

          Update final results and league tables (remove license numbers).

          Upload to NDCXL web site (preferably by Friday).


          This role requires a high level of organisation skills, and a good level of general IT skills. At certain times of the season, there may be a significant number of rider queries to process.


          • General Note re Roles
            • Both of these roles will require significant levels of personal commitment in order to carry out the stated duties, but are rewarded with the satisfaction of being a key part of one of the best CX Leagues in the UK

              • Application
                • Applicants are advised to contact Andrew Naylor ahead of the AGM.